May 25, 2014


Nothing is more puzzling than knowing that Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS were missing the very day prior to 9/11.  

On the day of 9/11, the alleged "Terrorist Plane" struck the exact wing where the accounting computers were located.  

What are the odds of THIS???

People... for Heaven's Sake... WAKE the heck UP!!!!  K?


This is so hard to believe 
that I'm going to repeat myself here: 

On Sept. 10th, 2001 - the day before 9/11 - Rumsfeld Stated that the Budget was Missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars. 

The very section of the Pentagon that was hit by the alleged plane happens to be the exact area where the accounting computers were located that held the information of the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars.

What are the odds of THIS?

Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing 

Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld  (9 min.)


The Research Rabbit Whole:  9/11 Edition

Dedicated to honor of the people that were victims of the events of 9/11 and the loved ones have been mourning the loss of these brave souls.  May this blog become a beacon of truth and justice.

Follow the White Rabbit through The Research Rabbit Whole.  (The Whole is better than the sum of its parts - this site is dedicated to helping you see the collective WHOLE of research).  

This is an on-going research adventure through the rabbit hole and matrix of information on the subjects that I cover. As I uncover more information, I will do my best to post new stories that propel you further through the maze of information.

My goal is to explore the major theories found on the internet and to help others find the best sources of information.  

The research trail was blazed through years of dedicated searches on these topics.  My intention is to quicken the learning curve of information and to inform the public on topics that are typically NOT covered by our mainstream media sources.


Here's to finding "Truth" and opening to enlightenment based on these "Truths".  

A mind, like a parachute - works best when it is open.  Keep an open mind.  


DO YOUR HOMEWORK and WATCH the videos.

A more informed public is the only way that we can consciously make positive changes that direct our nation and our world to make better long term decisions that benefit our global citizens.

Wishing you ALL the VERY BEST!
May TRUTH set you FREE!!!

Light, Love, Peace... Always!

The Research Rabbit Whole 

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